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Parents ‘forced’ to tell children about sex

Parents who have been accused of shying away from engaging their children in discussions about sex on Sunday found themselves with no escape route after they were ambushed and “forced” to debate the topic with their children and teachers.

The debate at Vyulya Girls’ Secondary School in Mwala District caught many parents, including area MP Daniel Muoki and several local leaders, off-guard. Some parents were too shy to openly engage in the debate and sought help from the school principal, Mrs Lucy Mutwiri.

Too shy

The move was triggered by a recent report in the Nation, which painted a grim picture of sexual activity among Kenya’s young people. Students accused most parents of being too shy to mention the word “sex” at home.

“We find ourselves discussing the topic among ourselves and boys close to us, and the end results are at times disastrous,” they said. The school principal told the meeting that parenting was not for cowards and urged parents to stand firm and show their children the way.

“Very few among the youth of today can pass the test on morality. Sex has become a game with no serious consideration to the dangers involved,” she said. Miss Fridah Mbatha, the school captain, said the government was to blame for encouraging pornography.

“Materials glorifying pornography are readily available in shops and on the streets. We wonder why this is allowed to happen in a country with efficient rules, a police force and law and order,” said Ms Mbatha.

Joining in the debate, an assistant chief who is also a parent at the school, Mr Peter Mutundu, blamed his fellow parents for preying on young girls. “They lure with them with cash and other goodies,” said Mr Mutundu.

Area MP Daniel Muoki said the debate was healthy and urged parents to be open with their children in matters pertaining to sex.

Source: Daily Nation

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