NAIROBI, Kenya, Jul 30 – One more student of the Loreto Convent Msongari on Saturday morning succumbed to injuries sustained in an accident on the Meru-Nanyuki highway on Friday afternoon bringing the death toll to three.
Eighteen other students have also been transferred to Nairobi, 14 admitted to the Nairobi Hospital – some in critical condition and four others admitted to the Aga Khan Hospital.
According to Dr M. R. Khan, a consultant General Surgeon at the Nairobi Hospital some of the 18 patients are in critical condition and need specialised attention.
“We have received patients most of whom are between 13 and 14 years, the injuries are severe head injuries, scalp injuries, one had a traumatic amputation of the upper limb,” he said.
“One patient is already in the Intensive Care Unit while two others will head to the theatre for brain surgery.”
According to the Nelly Muluka of the Kenya Red Cross Society, three other patients are being airlifted to Nairobi while another six remain at the Level- 5 Hospital in Meru and the St Teresa Mission Hospital in Kiirua.
One other student whose condition got worse on Saturday morning is expected to be brought to the Nairobi Hospital.
“One student whose condition got worse could not sit on the plane and an ambulance has gone back to fetch her and we expect her in about four hours,” she told journalists at the Nairobi Hospital
During the accident, the Loreto Convent Msongari bus veered off the road and hit a stagnant bus at Subuiga black spot along the Meru-Nanyuki highway.
Buuri police boss John Ngare confirmed the names of those who died on Friday as Zena Flavian and Nanzila Okuthe both female and aged 13 years.
Mr Ngare also confirmed that the accident was caused by brakes failure as the bus descended a hill and abruptly came to a sharp corner.
The bus rolled several times before hitting a Kerugoya Boys High school bus which was parked by the roadside.
Mr Ngare said the accident would have been worse had the Loreto bus not rammed the Kerugoya bus.
“The Kerugoya bus certainly prevented the accident from being worse. It prevented the Loreto bus from rolling further and landing in a ditch,” he said on phone.
The Kerugoya Boys’ bus was ferrying members of staff from Isiolo and had parked their bus by the road near the Meru-Isiolo-Nanyuki junction for refreshment.
The Loreto bus rolled severally before hitting the Kerugoya Boys bus and injured three Kerugoya members of staff who were standing outside the vehicle. The three are admitted to St Teresa Mission hospital, Kiirua in stable condition.
The school children were travelling to Samburu on an excursion.
Distraught parents and teachers flocked St Teresa and Meru hospitals seeking the transfer of their children. A medic at the Meru level-5 hospital said the accident had overwhelmed the facility.