FORT HOOD, Tex. — President Obama took on the role of national eulogist on Tuesday for the first time since assuming office as he led the country in mourning 13 active and retired soldiers gunned down not on a foreign battlefield but here on their home post by one of their own.
Standing in front of 13 sets of boots, rifles, helmets and photographs, Mr. Obama vowed that the memory of those slain in a rampage here last week would “endure through the life of our nation.” One by one, he listed the names of those killed and described their hopes and dreams and the families they left behind.
“It may be hard to comprehend the twisted logic that led to this tragedy,” the president told thousands of soldiers and relatives gathered here at the nation’s largest Army post. “But this much we do know: No faith justifies these murderous and craven acts. No just and loving God looks upon them with favor. For what he has done, we know that the killer will be met with justice, in this world and the next.”
Although Mr. Obama had spoken at the funeral of Senator Edward M. Kennedy and made a post-midnight visit to Dover Air Force Base to salute the returning dead, this was the first time he had served as the nation’s comforter at a time of major tragedy. These are moments that can define a president, as when Bill Clinton eulogized the Oklahoma City bombing victims or George W. Bush gave voice to the anguish of a nation after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
But where Mr. Clinton used the moment to seek greater powers to combat extremism in American society and Mr. Bush channeled national anger into national resolve against Al Qaeda, Mr. Obama chose not to address in detail the haunting questions raised by the Fort Hood killings, for which the authorities have blamed Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army psychiatrist: Did the government miss warning signs when it did not follow up on his communications with a radical cleric in Yemen? How does an American soldier become so radicalized? Did this constitute domestic terrorism?
While senior Army officers have expressed concern about a backlash against Muslim soldiers, Mr. Obama never used the word Muslim but praised the diversity of the military. “They are,” he said, “man and woman; white, black and brown; of all faiths and all stations — all Americans, serving together to protect our people, while giving others half a world away the chance to lead a better life.”
The Army says 1,977 active-duty soldiers identify themselves as Muslim, out of a total of 553,000. But probably many more Muslims in uniform do not disclose their religion, experts say.
At least some in the community surrounding Fort Hood said they wanted Mr. Obama to address whether the attack was tied to terrorism. “If this was a Muslim terrorist thing, to not call it that is an insult to people who know different,” said Randy Wallace, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Killeen, Tex.
Anthony Power, a retired sergeant who served 27 years and fought in Vietnam, said he liked Mr. Obama’s speech but added: “There were some issues that I would have hoped he would have addressed. I think he got away from speaking about Muslims or terrorism because of the occasion and the ongoing investigation.”
Chief Warrant Officer Byron Dixon, who wore his traditional cavalry hat in honor of the dead, called it “a very wonderful, heartfelt speech which has inspired me to keep moving.” But he added that he hoped Mr. Obama would not stop paying attention to what happened here. “He should address security on military installations here and abroad on future occasions,” he said.
At American Legion Post 573 along Veterans Memorial Highway, a dozen veterans sat solemnly as Mr. Obama spoke. Kevin L. Bradford, 72, a Vietnam-era veteran who dislikes Mr. Obama so much that he said he would fly a flag at his house at half-staff until the president leaves office, praised his remarks. “I think it was a good speech, a very good speech,” Mr. Bradford said. “I know it was from the heart.”
But David Cronk, 25, a disabled Iraq veteran, was not so sure. “It was well-written,” Mr. Cronk said, “but I think he needs to do a little more from the heart. I can tell when someone is reading from a tablet and when someone is speaking from the heart.”
The service was on a bright, warm afternoon five days after the attacks at a processing center for deploying troops, where witnesses said Major Hasan opened fire after saying “Allahu akbar,” Arabic for “God is great.” Mr. Obama, accompanied by the first lady and military leaders, met with survivors of the attack and loved ones of those killed.
Security was tight amid the playing of taps, the singing of “Amazing Grace,” the roll call of the missing and the ceremonial volley of gunfire. More than 100 massive shipping containers were stacked to form a wall around part of the field, while sharpshooters were positioned on the roof of the III Corps building behind the lectern.
The victims ranged in age from 19 to 62. Ten were men and three were women; between them they had 19 children, with another on the way. “It was a kick in the gut,” said Gen. George W. Casey Jr., the Army chief of staff. But General Casey vowed that the Army would persevere. “Grieve with us,” he said. “Don’t grieve for us.”
Many soldiers and relatives expressed gratitude that the president had come to help them grieve, with many breaking into tears.
“It’s great that the president takes the time to come when there is so much on his plate,” said First Lt. Steven Aoyagi, 24, a helicopter pilot. “It’s good to know this won’t get swept under the carpet, because a lot of soldiers don’t feel safe right now. They need to have confidence in their leaders.”
Staff Sgt. Lorena Brand, 40, tears welling in her eyes, said the visit would focus national attention on the troops and the continuing terrorism threat. “Those of us who serve, it seems we’re always being overlooked,” Sergeant Brand said. “So his coming, it puts the military and soldiers first, instead of feeling we’re always at the bottom of the list after the firefighters and police.”
As Mr. Obama spoke, soldiers wiped away tears. “It really doesn’t matter what he says,” said Specialist Beau Taylor, who was injured by roadside bombs in Iraq and watched the ceremony on crutches. “It’s his presence here that really matters.”
James C. McKinley Jr. and Ray Rivera contributed reporting.
Source: New York Times