NAIROBI, Kenya, Feb 8 – Young and talented Kenyan students stand to benefit from an entrepreneurship progamme launched on Monday by leading handset manufacturer Nokia. Nokia has partnered with Junior Achievement Africa and Junior Achievement Young Enterprise Europe (JAYE-Europe) to bring African and European youths together to launch the “Enterprise without Borders Program” through which young Kenyans will have the opportunity to receive international business training and exposure.
“This unique programme offers Kenyan students a rare opportunity to learn crucial entrepreneurial skills that can be applied to improve the living standards of the people, in line with goals of Vision 2030 to make Kenya a middle-level income country,” said Nokia Communication Manager for East and Southern Africa Dorothy Ooko
Ms Ooko said the programme, which targets youths between 15 and 18 years, will bring together companies from Norway, Italy, Denmark and Georgia which support the Junior Achievement initiative. Kenya and Ghana will be the first countries in Africa to initiate the programme through which partnership agreements will be established among 60 schools.
Speaking in Nairobi, Ms Ooko said Nokia would nurture young people in Kenya to appreciate the value of international business and trade especially with the upcoming political and economic federation of East Africa.
Under the programme, students from different countries will register and post their offer to participate in the programme and supply information for a “marketplace” where products are on display and research on trading can occur.
Over the next three years, it aims to link 14,000 students with companies, business volunteers and teachers in 24 European countries.
The programme also offers on-line mentoring by volunteers from the business community, and students can also network on line.