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Mwau wants US to substantiate claims

John Harun Mwau the Kilome MP is seeking explanations from the Kenyan government as to why he was branded a drug kingpin by the American president.

Mwau wants to know if the Kenyan government was informed of the claim and the evidence adduced to it by the American government to warrant his branding a drug baron.

He is now seeking to know if the Kenyan government will hire an attorney to protect his rights in America.

” If the government and the AG are going to appoint an attorney to pursue this wrong in order to restore any human rights and civil liberty. Whether the dossier presented by Ranneberger to Saitoti formed the basis used by the American government to brand me a drug kingpin.”

In seeking the ministerial statement, the Kilome MP demanded provision of credible evidence to support the claims by the US government.

“Based on the information that the president of the United States has forwarded my name to the House of Representatives and the Senate for confirmation, to clarify what urgent action the government will take to prevent both houses from acting on the erroneous information.”

He is also seeking to know the reasons and circumstances that led Obama to designate him a foreign narcotic drug trafficker.

He challenged anybody to prove that he is associated with drug trafficking.

“Based on the current predicament and action already taken the government should clarify what I am suppose to do as a Kenya citizen being punished with a foreign law and what legal remedies are available and what action the government is taking.”

The former trade assistant minister also wants to know if the American government consulted the president and the government of Kenya before such drastic action was taken.

Mwau wants know if the Kenya government will seek removal of his name from the designation of a major drug trafficker arguing that he is not and has never been involved in drug trafficking or any other criminal acts.

He  also wants answers on what measures the government would take to restore his dignity both as a citizen and as a member of parliament.

The ministry of foreign affairs is expected to respond to Mwau’s request on Wednesday next week.

Lat week on Thursday, President Obama listed Mwau, businesswoman Naima Mohamed Nyakinyua and five other foreigners as drug traffickers and slapped harsh economic sanctions against them.

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