Beth has had several accidens in the last 7 years. Doctors adviced her that the only alternative was to travel to India for treatment.
Meet Beth – 11 operations in 7 years and no hope to walk again yet. Beth Chege has had a few accidents in the last 7 years.
In her first accident, she had a leg and shoulder fractures where she lost a bone on her upper thigh leading to a K-nail (metal) been inserted. This led to an infection which has seen her have 10 more operations with no success. Her last operation early this year led to her being detained in Kenyatta Hospital for failure to meet her bill.
She later left with a pending bill of kshs 190,000.00. Doctors adviced her that the only alternative was to travel to India for treatment. Beth has had a few harambees in the last 7 years with the last one raising only Kshs, 38,000.00.
She is in a lot of pain and surviving on pain killers, and is in urgent need of Ksh,800,000.00 to enable her travel to India to save her life. What’s worse is that her leg cannot be amputated as one infection is on the hip.
Anyone willing to assist, her Mpesa account details are Beth Chege Tel no 0722-766398, Equity Account No. 0010293568140 or deposit in my charity account, Account name LUCK, HSBC Bank, Acc No. 33890619, Sort Code 403418 or call Joyce of IDPs, Newcastle, UK on 07532-358061 for more details.
Watch her video here