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Microsoft goes swahili

Microsoft has launched windows 7 in Kiswahili language on Wednesday, a move that is intended to allow over 150 million Swahili speakers in Kenya and around Africa access a broader range of its software programmes.

The windows 7 Kiswahili interface pack is available online for free.

This is according to Luis Otieno, Microsoft General Manager for East and Southern Africa.

”Over 150 million swahili speakers in Africa will now have access to technology in a language they understand better”.

”This   is a step towards maintaining the linguistic diversity of the world’s people”. He said

Director of Kenya Institute of Education Lydia Nzomo, said windows 7 in Kiswahili will offer children access to technology in a language they understand and this will help them learn computers faster.

The company is planning to launch Office 10 in Swahili soon.

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