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Lou Dobbs: Gunshots fired at me, my wife and my house

Lou Dobbs said on his radio show that gunshots have been fired at him, his wife, and their home in the past few weeks — and he blames his critics (via NewsBusters).

“They’ve created an atmosphere and they’ve been unrelenting in their propaganda,” Dobbs said on his radio show earlier this week.

“Three weeks ago this morning, a shot was fired at my house where I live,” he said. “My wife was standing out and that followed weeks and weeks of threatening phone calls….this shot was fired with my wife not, I don’t know, 15 feet away and we had had threatening phone calls that I decided not to report because I get threatening phone calls. I now – it’s become part of a way of life – the anger, the hate, the vitriol, but it’s taken a different tone where they’ve threatened my wife. They’ve now fired a shot at my house while my wife was standing next to the car. It’s become something else.”

Dobbs places these shots in the larger context of a culture war that’s being played out across the nation.

“And if anybody thinks that we’re not engaged in a battle for the soul of this country right now, you’re sorely mistaken,” he said.

“My wife has now been, and I have been, shot at, our driver, my house has been shot and hit. An investigation continues. I’ve had bodyguards now and you know what, I’m not in the mood to put up with little fools like Geraldo Rivera,” Dobbs said.

Last week, Rivera trashed Dobbs in a speech over his views towards Latino immigrants.

“It’s time that we really awaken to what is happening in this country,” Dobbs said. “It is ugly, it has to stop, and we have to find the courage to elect congressmen and senators and, yes, presidents who will speak truth, not pander, and not play politically correct games to ensure that truth is the last option.”


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