Livingstone Kiniaru Njoroge has not been heard from since 1989/1990. His last known location was Kansas State.
LIVINGSTON KINIARU NJOROGE is reported by his family as missing. Livingstone arrived in the US in February 1987 and was living in Kansas State.
The exact city in Kansas is currently unknown. The family does not have a name of the college he may have attended.
Livingstone hails from Ndeiya in Limuru.
The last time he made contact with his family at home was sometime around 1989/1990 and he mentioned that he might be relocating to Texas.
He did not have any known relatives in the US at the time.
Above is the last photo of him in possession of the family which was taken over 20 years ago.
If you know his whereabouts, please contact Jason at telephone number 469-258-7090.