Naivasha MP John Mututho at Nyahururu district hospital when he visited the victims who were admitted after consuming the deadly brew. He called for a total ban of fortified wine. With him is Misheck Njihia Muturi who was blinded. Six people have died after consuming a lethal brew in Gitambaa village, Ruiru September 14, 2011. JOSEPH KURIA
Six people have died after consuming a lethal brew in Gitambaa village, Ruiru.
The latest deaths come just a day after 17 died in similar circumstances in Nyahururu and Ol Kalou towns Tuesday.
Initial reports indicated that the six lost their lives in the space of the last three days.
However, police accounts put the death toll at four but residents insisted six of their neighbours had died.
Locals said the brew sells at Sh30 and is available at one of the resident’s house.
In Nyandarua county, six more people died Wednesday from the consumption of a killer brew bringing the total of deaths to 17
Three people died in Ol Kalau with the figure rising to seven while a similar number died in Nyahururu raising the number to ten, according to the Nyandarua North OCPD Jaspher Ombati.
The latest victim was a female bar attendant who was found dead in her house at Core Site estate in Nyahururu town.