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Kibaki’s Easter Message

NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 1 – I am pleased to send my warm greetings to all Kenyans on the occasion of this year’s Easter holiday, during which we reflect the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross.    The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ forms one of the fundamental principles of Christianity.  Through this act, God gave himself for us so that we may be redeemed from all our sins.  Easter, therefore, gives us an opportunity to reflect on this unconditional and self-sacrificing love of God for mankind. As we mark Easter this year, let us take time to pray for our nation and seek forgiveness for where we may have strayed from the path of righteousness, as individuals and as a nation.   Let us remember that as written in the book of Proverbs, it is righteousness alone that exalts a nation.  As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I appeal to us all to rededicate ourselves to Christian love for one another.  And just like Christ loved us, let us show compassion to the less fortunate members of our society.  This Easter comes at a time when our farmers have just harvested a bumper crop following the ongoing rains.  This bountiful harvest has ensured adequate food supply for all Kenyans and will go a long way in boosting the country’s grain reserves.  Indeed, this is something we ought to thank God for, having come from a difficult time of acute food shortage and rainfall failure.  We are also at a critical moment in the history of our country as we approach the threshold of a new constitutional order. I am optimistic that Kenyans will get a new constitution which will adequately serve present and future generations.  I urge that we all give this process all the support it deserves.  I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and peaceful Easter holiday.  Thank you and God bless you all.   Mwai Kibaki, C.G.H., M.P. PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA


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