President Kibaki and Gichugu MP Martha Karua (in glasses) during a funeral service for Mr Habel Nyamu at St Thomas Cathedral in Kerugoya on Wednesday. The two leaders did not shake hands, an indication of a frosty political relationship. Photo/ JOSEPH KANYI
Gichugu MP Martha Karua will never cease to amaze, especially when she is in her Kirinyaga home turf.
It was at the Kerugoya Stadium when she walked out on former president Daniel arap Moi after she was denied the chance to address a political rally when she was a Democratic Party MP.
And on Wednesday, President Kibaki was at the same stadium for the burial of former Electoral Commission of Kenya member Habel Nyamu.
From there, he was driven to the nearby ACK St Thomas Cathedral for a church service followed by the burial at Mr Nyamu’s Mururi home.
By the time the President arrived, Ms Karua, the former Justice minister, had taken her seat in the church.
As an indication of times have changed between President Kibaki and Ms Karua, he did not greet her although she was sitting a few rows behind him.
After friends and family members were through with eulogising Mr Nyamu, the master of ceremonies, former permanent secretary James Mathenge, did not give politicians a chance to greet the people as it is usual on such occasions.
But he acknowledged the presence of former and present MPs, as well as other politicians.
Mr Mathenge asked Ms Karua to wave to the mourners but she declined, prompting the MC to call on Metropolitan minister Njeru Githae to speak and invite the President.
The President, who spoke for less than two minutes, said he was aware that Kirinyaga had produced important people who had done a lot for the people and for themselves.
After the service, Ms Karua walked out of the cathedral to a waiting crowd and criticised the government for forcefully evicting internally displaced people from camps.
She said the coalition government was no better than that of Mr Moi.
At the graveyard, she was not on the list of people who laid a wreath. Former MPs Jayne Kihara and Njeru Kathangu were given the opportunity.
Ms Karua skipped the ceremony at the graveside.