There is a tiny shrub sold along roadsides, in market places and on Kenyan streets. To the casual observer or uninitiated it may not amount to much. However, those who have sampled it and understood its ‘secrets’ – know that this common shrub is also panacea for all bedroom misfortunes and misadventures.
By Caasi Sagala, Nairobi
Mukombero, or white ginger as it is commonly known in Kenya, is becoming a popular alternative to commercial aphrodisiacs like Viagra.
Men rate it highly, boasting virile prowess and extraordinary abilities in the bedroom. Recent Kenyan media reports indicate that the herb is being chewed almost into extinction – mostly by men.
“It never disappoints, my wife is one happy woman. Mukombero allows me to go the extra mile and be naughty with other women as well, it has guaranteed results,” chuckles a man called Wanyama. A mischievous grin stretches across his bearded face, when I find him on the streets of Kakamega town getting his portion of the ‘drug’.
Overwhelming demand Boaz Romora, a dark skinny man with large sinewy hands carries a paper-bag full of the shrub. He earns his living by selling Mukombero. His large owl-like eyes glisten when I ask him about the shrub.
“I am overwhelmed by the demand, Kenyans have rediscovered the potency of Mukombero – it runs out too fast. Even in the forest where I get it from, I have to go in much deeper to get a mature plant. It is running out. Mukombero works because it is cheap, and can be eaten raw or ground up for drinking. I use it as well, and I can guarantee you that my two wives are not going away anywhere soon because of my performance under the sheets.”
Shortage of condoms A Nairobi based gynaecologist, who prefers to remain anonymous, concedes reluctantly that there is some support in the scientific community for Mukombero’s aphrodisiac properties. However, there may be another explanation for its sudden rise in demand amongst Kenyan men:
“The recent shortage of condoms in the country, which even prompted some people to wash and re-use them points to the fact that Kenyans are not just sleeping in their bedrooms. There’s plenty of activity there. It’s the women. I’d say the previously inhibited Kenyan woman has become conscious of her sexuality. She is more assertive and demanding, leaving the poor men under pressure to deliver and satisfy by all means. Mukombero is a cheap convenient choice for most. Little wonder it is being chewed into extinction”.
1 euro aphrodisiac Romora the vendor tells me that he makes 5 euros per day – not bad by Kenyan standards. He asserts that indeed 1 euro’s worth of Mukombero is enough to give me an erotically ‘lethal’ kick behind closed bedroom doors. He dares me to sample it which I do.
The shrub has a bitter sweet, gingerly taste. I expect instantaneous results – perhaps an electronic surge in my system. I purchase an extra bunch, just in case… Three hours later, I don’t experience anything unusual.