A renowned producer/director, Dr. Vincent Morelli is looking to recruit 3 youths from each state to feature in a documentary exploring the cultural differences that exist between Kenyan and American youth. The search for this film is currently being held in Atlanta. No details have been released for the rest of the cities/states. Dr. Vincent Morelli is the producer/director of the recent documentary, “Left behind: the Story of the New Orleans Public Schools” (www.neworleansleftbehind.com) is currently working on a documentary film, to be co-produced by National Geographic, exploring the cultural and social differences between Kenyan and American youth. In this regard, Dr. Morelli is looking for teenagers who are Kenyan by nationality but who have been raised in the U.S., and adult professionals, born in Kenya, who are currently working for the juvenile justice system in the United States, to participate in the documentary. The criteria to be met include:
Youth born in Kenya between ages 14-22 years;
Who have been raised in the U.S since the age of 3-5, and have absorbed US cultural values;
Who have not been back to Kenya since they were 3 – 5 years old; and are willing to travel to Kenya as part of the documentary.
If you are interested in participating in the documentary or know anyone who might be interested in participating, please contact Rosemary Mburu, AKPA’s Development Committee chair at rosemarymburu@hotmail.com
Additional information obtained from: www.diasporamessenger.com