Ruth Owino
Ruth Owino wanted to break off her engagement, but her fiancée wouldn’t let her, Orlando police said.
Instead, 41-year-old Nestor Habarugira used a hand weight to bludgeon the woman to death in the couple’s west Orlando apartment about 2:30 a.m. Sunday, according to a police investigation report.
Police spokeswoman Sgt. Barbara Jones said that Habarugira opened the door of his Island Club apartment to officers when they arrived, throwing his hands in the air and leading them to the 34-year-old woman’s body in the bathroom.
“I did it … I think she is dead,” he told officers.
Owino, a native of Kenya, was lying unconscious with head injuries when paramedics arrived, police said. She was later pronounced dead. It was the eighth homicide in Orlando this year, Jones said.
Habarugira, originally from Burundi, was taken into custody and charged with first-degree murder with a weapon. He told police that the couple had argued about ending their relationship and that Owino threw a weight at him. He said he used it to hit Owino and that he tried to help her afterward but she was already dead.
Habarugira was being held without bond Sunday at the Orange County jail, records show.
Police said four children lived in the apartment, but it was unclear whether they were home at the time of the killing. Jones said a victim advocate is working with the kids.
Investigators took crime-scene pictures in the bathroom, where friends said Owino operated a home hair salon, styling hair for her friends and other African immigrants.
Neighbors who made up the couple’s circle of friends said they were heartbroken by the news, adding that they never witnessed any problems in the family.
“I didn’t see any conflict,” said Kennedy Bwalya. “We used to go out as a group to Caribbean restaurants because she was very social. They were a very nice family. “I’m shocked.”
Bwalya said Owino had given birth to the couple’s first child a few months ago. Friends said Owino also had two children, a boy and girl, from a previous marriage.
“I can’t believe it,” said Sandra Blount. “They were always together.”
Ex-boyfriend Moses Ochieng arrived at the scene Sunday outraged. He paced frantically while he tried to get in touch with Owino’s African relatives.
Ochieng said he had warned her about Habarugira after they met in a nightclub.
“He is very violent. He took her from me,” he said. “I told her: ‘You don’t know him.'”
Owino moved to the United States about five years ago after divorcing her husband and taking her children, he said. She had been a professional field hockey player in her home country, Ochieng said.
Ochieng, who is close to Owino’s Kenyan family, said he probably will escort her body home.
“I loved her,” said an angry Ochieng. “I wanted to marry her.”