The Sabah Customs Department yesterday detained a Kenyan woman and seized methamphetamine weighing 5.063kg at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA).
Sabah Customs deputy director Hamzah Sundang said the 31 year-old suspect was detained at KKIA’s Terminal 1 after arriving from Bandar Segi Begawan, Brunei via Royal Brunei Air flight BI-0826 at about 8.30am.
“All the drugs worth about RM1.3 million was found in the suspect’s luggage, comprising two bags, that had false compartments at the bottom and the drugs were wrapped in aluminium foils,” he told reporters here today.
Hamzah said apart from the drugs, the suspect also had various currencies, including 36,000 Francs, $87 Brunei dollars, US$900, 1,800 Banki Kuuga Kenya.
Based on initial investigations and the modus operandi used in the flight from Ethiopia-Dubai-Brunei-Kota Kinabalu, the suspect could have been involved in an international drug trafficking syndicate.
Hamzah said the suspect was remanded and investigated under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 which carries the mandatory death sentence if convicted.
He added that on July 31, the department had also detained a local man and seized 5.8kg of Ketamin.