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Kenyan native wins Miss Norway Beauty Pageant

 Iman Kerugo (center) who won theIman Kerigo, 18, who won the Miss Norway Pageant 2010. She will represent Norway in the Miss Earth 2010 Competition in Vietnam

Iman Kerigo, 18, who won the Miss Norway Pageant 2010. She will represent Norway in the Miss Earth 2010 Competition in Vietnam

18 year old Iman Kerigo won the Miss Earth Norway pageant last night. She is 168 cm tall. Her parents are from Kenya, but Iman was born and raised in Norway.  She’s the first black woman to represent Norway in Miss Earth.

About Imam Kerigo:

What are you doing on a daily basis?: 2 year Nannestad Vgs, working at Rema 1000, Vero Moda. Does a lot of Zumba & African dance / belly dance.

Why have you signed up for Miss Norway?: It seems really exciting and fun. A good opportunity to let others see who you are and what your worth. opportunity to share what I have with everyone else, maybe even help others.

Do you have any hobbies / talents?: Zumba / Dance:) What delights you most?: I get the opportunity to help those I can when I’m on holiday in Kenya (Africa). Friends and family.

Who would you rather meet, and why?: The children of Michael Jackson, because they are the closest I come to Michael now. I hope that they will be like his father, a person who was strong, one who had so much talent and shared so much with the world.

Where in the world would you rather go?: Neverland / USA, South Africa, Egypt, Paris. Of the heart / what you burn for?: – Fashion – Music / dance – poetry – Cultures / Languages – Africa / Haiti


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