All Bishops, Pastors, Apostles, Evangelists, Elders, Deacons, Ministers of the Gospel and the Servants of the Kenyan churches in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Britain, Europe and other nations around the world Kenya too included have dedicated February 7th as the International Day of Prayer.
On this day, all Kenyans in Diaspora as well as those in Kenya will be praying from 6.00am to 6.00pm culminating with a Telephone Conference line 1-712-432-3100 Conference Code: 663024 on Sunday as follows: 8.30pm (Central Time), 9.30pm (Eastern Time) and 7.30pm (Pacific Time) which will be coordinated by Rev. Dr. Jospeh Njoroge, Rev. Dr. John Kivuva, Rev. Wambui Njoroge, Rev. Jackson Kingori, Brother Isaac Kariuki of Diaspora Messenger and others.
Here in Dallas, all Kenyans are requested to attend their respective Kenyans churches this coming Sunday February 7th, and those with none are invited to attend Neema Gospel Church at 575 West Arapaho Rd, Richardson, TX 75080 at 10.30am Worship Service.
The main prayer points are undernoted here below as guidance only. In particular, we want to terminate and pray against the curses that appear to be upon Kenyans and the spirit of pre-mature deaths and chronic diseases on all Kenyans in Diaspora.
Too many Kenyans are dying pre-maturely; others are languishing in Jails, Immigration detention centers while others are divorcing right and left. Every God-fearing person should unite with the rest of us as we stand in the gap on behalf of our people.
Who knows – you might next in the enemy’s target list but we have a mandate and an opportunity to abort all the plans of Devil. Please circulate this e-mail to all Kenyans in your e-mail list urgently.
Points/Items of prayer
1. We need to invoke 2 Chronicles 7:14 as our starting point.
2. We need to repent for the failure to pursue what James calls the “Pure Religion …..” James 1:27
3. We need to exhaustively repent for all the sins that have been committed by the Kenyan Community in Diaspora particularly in USA, Britain, Canada, other European nations. In particular, we need to repent the sins of compromise that has led many of our people to lie and do unprintable things.
4. We need to repent and confess all the sins committed by God’s Servants, Bishops, Pastors, Ministers, Evangelists, Apostles, Ministers and others in active duty of the Gospel
5. We need to repent the sin of poor and wrong leadership that has resulted in divisions and balkanization of the Kenyans in Diaspora.
6. We need to confess the sins of our backsliding community (those who once walked with the Lord) but on arriving at the Western Capitals, they forget the Lord their God
7. We need to repent the sins of abandoning our parents, our nation, our relatives and the communities that sacrifices so much for us to be in these nations
8. We need to repent for our contributions (in ideas, money, rhetoric, and propaganda and rumors) during the last generations elections which contributed so much pain and death to our fellow Kenyans.
9. We need to break the demon and spirit of death against all Kenyans both in Diaspora and those in Kenya. Breaking all curses and the spirit of witchcraft being practiced by some of our Kenyans in Diaspora.
10. We need to stand against the cycles of deportation, traffic citations, and other breaches that make our people vulnerable to the laws of the land.
List of coordinating pastor
-Dallas Texas-Pastor Jackson Kingori of Neema Church
Tel-469 682 8879
-North Carolina-
Pastor Andrew Moche.Muthemba of
United Brethren Restoration Center.(UBRC)
-Rev. John Kipeen
Streams Of Life Worship Center
Tel-407 802 7813
-Dr.John Kivuva
St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church
3747 34th St. South St. Petersburg, FL 33711-3836 Phone: 727-244-4444
Baltimore Maryland-Pastor Patrick Kibui of All Nations Gospel Outreach
Tel-443 527 4556
Richmond Virginia-Pastor Hezron Njoroge
Tel-804 714 6532
Nothern California-Pastor Steven Ndegwa
Evangelist Isabella Mwango
Southern California-Pastor Ruth Maina of KICC San Jacinto
-Northwest North Seattle -Pastor Elistan Ole Supeyo
-Pastor Charity
-Lancaster Area PA-Pastor Joseph Shilalo of Streams of life Prayer Fellowship
-Cincinnati Ohio-Pastor Timothy Gakunju
New Beginnings fellowship- Ph 513-828-4472 email
Kentucky-Dr.Dr. Joseph Okello
Rev. Patrick Gitau Kihiu
-Phoenix Arizona-PastorJ.N.Macharia
Maryland,Washington DC Metro-Isaac kariuki
Tel:301 528 4689
Listing from Diaspora Messenger.