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Kenyan graduate in New Hampshire

Фото автора: Ника ДавыдоваНика Давыдова

Courtesy photo. Gladys Kimaru arrived in Nashua from her home in Kenya to make a better life for her and her family. Shown with Kimaru is her grand-daughter Isis.

In 2000, Gladys Kimaru arrived in Nashua from her home in Kenya, where she was an administrative assistant to a high-level manager at the Del Monte Fruit Co. She chose Nashua because she wanted comfort and safety but also the amenities of a small city. Armed with her inherent love for life, her big laugh and inborn resilience, Kimaru was determined to make a new life for herself.

Kimaru learned about the Adult Learning Center when she tried to enter the field of nursing and found that before she could become a licensed practical nurse, she needed her GED. In one year, she earned her GED and licensed practical nurse certificate, and after working at St. Joseph Hospital and the Greenbriar nursing home, Kimaru found her dream job at Home Health and Hospice Care.

“The best part of my job in home care is the opportunity to learn that is offered by the management, my colleagues, and my patients. My mantra is: have an open mind and you will learn,” Kimaru said.

She seems to have found her niche. But always curious and looking for ways to improve, Kimaru is taking a biology course to prepare for applying to college to become a registered nurse.

While she was enrolled in GED class, Kimaru discovered Early Childhood Adventures, the Adult Learning Center’s child care program that has earned the highest accreditation available to child care centers by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Her granddaughter, Isis, is enrolled while her parents work. Kimaru often picks up Isis at the end of the day and the delight they both feel is palpable in the halls of the Adult Learning Center. Next for Kimaru is the U.S. citizenship class, and then taking the official test, a milestone that will ensure her place in the community. Isis and Gladys’ other two grandchildren will be there to cheer.

The Adult Learning Center is a nonprofit organization that provides programs that address community needs for an educated citizenry. For more information, contact Mary Jordan 882-9080, ext. 204 or visit


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