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Kenyan dad in UK in desperate bid to raise £57,000 for daughter’s kidney transplant

A DESPERATE Merseyside dad is trying to raise money for a life-saving kidney  transplant for his daughter.

Mickey Ouso, 60, has worked two jobs and relied on fundraising to pay for his  Kenyan daughter Maureen’s dialysis after her kidneys failed.

She needs a £57,000 kidney transplant – but Mr Ouso cannot afford to pay for  it.

He owes the NHS around £3,000 in unpaid medical bills as he struggles to meet  the ever-growing cost of treatment Maureen has to pay for as a non-British  citizen.

He is also facing a race against time because the visitor’s visa she came  into the country with is about to run out. Her two children – Petra, 12, and  Reginald, seven – also face being asked to leave.

Today Mr Ouso, from Croxteth, said if Maureen has to return to Kenya before  having a kidney transplant it will be “a death sentence”.

He said: “She has nowhere to live in Kenya. She is too sick to work.

“If she cannot pay for her treatment in Kenya, she will not survive. She will  eventually die.

“If we can get enough money for the operation, I am hoping the UK Border  Agency will let her stay until she is better. If she is fit enough, she can then  work.”

Mr Ouso came to the UK in 1999 after his wife got a job working for the  NHS.

They brought three of their four children and were all granted UK residency  by 2007. Maureen, 34, stayed behind in Kenya.

It was only when his wife Petraella died from cancer in February that Maureen  came to the UK for her funeral.

Mr Ouso and his wife were paying for Maureen’s dialysis in Kenya.

Now the same treatment at the Royal Liverpool Hospital costs £480 a week. Mr  Ouso works as a carer and does extra shifts as a taxi driver to pay for it.

His daughter Olivia, 32, has agreed to donate a kidney but Manchester Royal  Infirmary would charge £57,000 because Maureen is not eligible for NHS  treatment.

The family has set up an appeal account with Barclays Bank called “The Appeal  Fund for Maureen Ouso”.

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