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Фото автораНика Давыдова

Kenya Airways dismisses reports of impending workers’ strike

The Kenya Airways has dismissed reports of an intended s trike by 4,500 of its workers, all members of Kenya’s increasingly powerful Avia t ion and Allied Workers Union (AAWU), whose strike caused the airline huge losses in 2009.

Kenya Airways Chief Executive Officer Titus Naikuni said on Friday he was not aw are of a new strike action planned soon to press for workers’ welfare.

“Kenya Airways would like to inform its customers, investors and the general pub lic that there is no planned union action or strike from its staff who are membe r s of the Aviation Allied Workers Union (AAWU) contrary to reports appearing in s o me parts of the media on Friday,” Naikuni said in a statement.

According to him, the management of Kenya Airways has been in talks with AAWU of ficials and are progressing with the implementation of the return to work formul a that was agreed upon in August 2009.

The union has not informed the management of any intended strike, he said.

The KQ management confirmed the Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) – which brin gs together Kenya’s employers – has continued to chair talks between the two par t ies to reach a final position on the outstanding collective bargaining issues.

Kenya Airways staff went on strike in August to demand for a near three-fold sal ary hike but the airline yielded on a 25 per cent pay rise for all categories of


The August strike led Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga to set up a special tas k force to look at the workers’ welfare in most of Kenyan firms and recommend wa y s of ending strikes that are generally detrimental to the economy and the companies involved. 

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