Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) , Moi International Airport (MIA) and Kisumu International Airport (KIA) are set to have wireless connectivity soon. This is after Jamii Telecom Limited won the tender to supply and install wireless access points in the airports. The timelines for the project though are not known and could take several months as standard with government tendering processes. Our source at Jamii Telkom told us that paperwork on the project may take as much as 60 days to go through, hence it will be several months before the project is finally launched.
The service is a commercial service and Kenya Airports Authority looks to make money by charging airport passengers on transit for its use. Currently only passengers using exclusive airline lounges have access to internet at all the airports in Kenya. Some international airports offer free public internet to transit passengers as add on to the airport experience. With JKIA becoming a busy transit airport, this could be the route that KAA might consider taking.