After half century of governance based on tribal sentiments,Kenya should slowly emerge as a democracy that will focus on politics guided more by ideology and good governance.
This should be encouraged and the stage appears set for this kind of atmosphere after 2012 presidential and general elections since the New Constitution will be in full force.
If you are an emerging journalist strong in research and writing skills and you subscribe to the above school of thought, I would like you to share your thoughts on voter education required to achieve this goal.
The role of Editorial Assistant is to help with research and ompilation of material that is relevant and helpful in voter education as the population transit from the old to the new constitution. Guiding principle is nonpartisan!
I would like to hear from someone interested in this as a joint venture to co-author a weekly nonpartisan column for a Kenyan local newspaper focusing on this dispensation.
This is ideal for a journalist who has just graduated or about to graduate.
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