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iPhone App provides Kenyan Refugees with Jobs

iPhone application can provide jobs for refugees in Kenya, but the folks behind the Give Work App are dreaming big!

Give Work is a joint effort between Samasource, a non-profit organization working to provide Internet-based jobs for poor people around the world, and CrowdFlower, a San Francisco based company that provides accessible outsourced labor as an online service. Dadaab, Kenya is home to extreme poverty and the largest refugee camp in the world. Through the Give Work system, refugees in Dadaab receive Internet training and well-paying, dignified jobs.

You can download the Give Work Application to your iPhone and donate your time to help refugees now!

Here’s how it works:

  1. A U.S. company submits an online job to CrowdFlower to be completed by a refugee in Dadaab, Kenya.

  2. The refugee at Samasource completes the task immediately.

  3. An iPhone user in the U.S. donates their time to double check the work.

  4. The company that requested the work receives quick results, that are double checked for accuracy. The refugee worker is paid for their work and is able to improve their quality of life. And the iPhone user…well, they get to alleviate their boredom while helping others!

Meet Paul and Eric, two of the Samasource employees in Kenya whose lives have been improved by the job training and steady source of income:

Download the Give Work Application to your iPhone today!

This article was originally written by Erica Liepmann and posted on

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