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Фото автораНика Давыдова

Horror: ‘Butchered man used for kebabs’

Suspected cannibals killed a young man, ATE part of him and then sold other bits to a kebab house.

 Cops also believe the 25-year-old victim’s body parts may have been used to fill PIES too.

 The trio of homeless men were arrested in Russia – accused of murdering the man with knives and a hammer.

 Prosecutors revealed: “After carrying out the crime, the corpse was divided up – part of it was eaten and part of it was sold to a kiosk selling kebabs and pies.”

 Suspicions were raised when dismembered parts of a human body were found near a bus stop in the outskirts of the Russian city of Perm – which is 720 miles east of Moscow.

 Chopped up

 The three men all have criminal records, said Russian cops.

 They have been arrested on suspicion of killing their victim – who has not been named – before chopping up his corpse to eat.

Detectives for the Prem region released the astonishing statement that the human remains could have been used for kebabs and pies on their website.

But police said it was not clear yet if any of the human meat had been sold to customers.

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