Police inspect Kilome MP Harun Mwau's bullet riddled vehicle at the Central Police Station. His car was sprayed by bullets by unknown gunmen on City Hall way on the night of June 23, 2011, ten days after Mr Mwau claimed his life was on danger. WILLIAM OERI
Unknown gunmen sprayed a vehicle belonging to Kilome MP Harun Mwau with bullets on City Hall Way Thursday night, ten days after he claimed his life was in danger.
The MP was not in the vehicle at the time of the incident.
Mr Mwau’s driver and bodyguard had dropped off the legislator at Parliament Buildings and then drove to his offices on Moi Avenue.
As they were driving back to pick up Mr Mwau, unknown men overtook them near the Garden Square restaurant and sprayed their vehicle with bullets.
The driver’s door had three bullet holes while the rear right door had one bullet hole.
The driver’s window was completely shattered by bullets while one bullet exited through the passenger door, leaving a huge hole.
Though at least six rounds were fired in the incident, only one cartridge of 9milimetre was recovered at the scene. The rounds were most likely fired from a Ceska pistol.
The two occupants escaped unscathed in the 10.15pm incident.
However, Police Commissioner Mathew Iteree raised doubts to the version of events saying it was almost impossible that no bullet caught them.
They were recalled to the Central Police Station to record further statements to shed more light as preliminary investigations showed that considering the points of entry and exit of the bullets, it was not possible that no one was injured.
Nairobi deputy Provincial Police Officer Moses Ombati said that the matter was being investigated and would give a report later.
Ten days ago, the Kilome legislator who was named by US President Barrack Obama as a significant drug trafficker, claimed that his life was in danger and demanded that government accords him security.
He alleged that on June 3, he had spotted some weird characters near his office and house.
“The seriousness of this matter is that from June 3, I have been seeing some weird characters both white and black near my office and House and I think that my life is in danger and I would like to know what guarantee there is for my security because it seems there is an agenda that is being played here,” the MP stated in Parliament.
This was after President Obama listed him as a drug kingpin the previous week under the US Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act.