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Furious Wife Scalds Husband With Hot Water in Family Row

Фото автора: Ника ДавыдоваНика Давыдова

A 40-year-old man is nursing wounds after he was scalded with boiling water by his wife and suffered severe burns. Stephen Mwangi of Muthunguchi village, Gatuundu North, Kiambu County, got his face disfigured badly after he disagreed with his wife of 10 years for reasons that are still unclear.

According to his brother Peter Gichuche and his mother Naomi Wairimu, the wife has been battering the man for the last five years and he has been denied access to their matrimonial house and is forced to seek refuge from his siblings or neighbours. Sometimes he sleeps inside their dilapidated and tiny iron kitchen. Councillor Kamau Mwago asked the police to arrest the suspect and charge her with assault.

The civic leader said cases of women battering their husbands are on the rise in the area and asked human right groups to also advocates for men’s rights. He said the men were silently suffering in the hands of brutal wives.

The victim’s mother said it appeared her son had been bewitched because whenever they try to intervene, he always says he and his wife will resolve their differences amicably.

She said her daughter-in-law always went out and whenever she was asked where she had been, she turned violent and attacks her son as their two children Dennis Mwangi and Diana Wairimu watched. The victim was burnt on March 15, 2011. He is now nursing his wounds at home after being treated and discharged from Gatundu District Hospital.



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