Married Boy meets single girl, they star in a hit musical, they have an affair, girl gets pregnant, boy dumps girl and now boy is demanding paternity test.
According to the ‘Weekend Star’, singer Eric Wainaina has moved to court to try and force Valerie Kimani to conduct a DNA test on the baby boy believed to have been fathered after the two had an affair. Wainaina is also accusing Valerie of trying to obtain mileage for her career by associating with him with the child. The paper reported that Wainaina filed the suit on Wednesday at the High court in Nairobi. The suit says Valerie has unreasonably turned down multiple requests made by Wainaina for a paternity test to be conducted. He wants the court to order Valerie to submit the baby for a test at Pathcare Ltd within a set time and if she refuses, he wants her to be ordered to take the child to director of Children’s Services who can then take him to Pathcare. He wants the paternity test before assuming his parental responsibility obligations as set out in the Children’s Act. “In the event that the paternity test confirms that I am the biological father of the child, I am ready and willing to assume parental responsibility over the child as provided for under the Children’s Act,” says Wainaina. A meeting to resolve the problem was convened in August 2010 to discuss the issue of upkeep and parental responsibility and in attendance were Wainaina, his wife Sheba, Valerie, her parents and a pastor from Valerie’s church but they failed to resolve the matter.