The Late Stephen Mutuku Sesi
28th July 1958 ——–3rd November 2011.
The Sesi family wishes to announce the passing on of Rev. Dr Stephen Mutuku Sesi of Africa International University (formerly NEGST), which occurred in Houston, Texas (USA) on the 3rd of November 2011 after a bravely borne battle with a cancer aliment.
The late Dr. Sesi was husband to Dr. Josephine Katile Mutuku of Africa International University. He was father to James (Daystar University), Judah and Jesse of USIU. Son to Mr. Joseph Ndome Sesi and Mrs. Anne Ndome of Makobe, Shimba Hills. Son-in-law to Mr. & Mrs. Paul Muunde of Nzeveni, Mbooni, Makueni. Brother to Joyce Simba, Patricia Nguku, Naomi, Benson Nyamasyo, Ruth Musyoki and Sarah Mulwa.
Family and friends are meeting daily at the following venues for funeral arrangements: –
1. 2214 W. Holcombe, Houston, Texas 77030
2. Africa International University (formerly NEGST)
3. A. I. C. Ngong Road Church, Adams Arcade
4. Mombasa (venue to be announced at the respective churches)
5. Garden Square – Nairobi and
6. Their family home at Makobe, Shimba Hills, Kwale.
There will be a memorial service and love offering on Saturday 11/12/2011at Cross Point Church, (Bellaire Texas 4601, Bellaire, TX 77401)
Monetary contributions to defray burial expenses can be sent to
Josephine Mutuku. Bank Of America checking a/c # 586028191457. Routing # 111000025
Mpesa Pay Bill 400200. Account: – 01134127550500
For More information, please contact the following:
Lucy Simiyu – 832-883-2218
Christine Ngei (Kiilu) – 281-777-3392
Peter Kiilu – 281-777-3394
Doug Gichana – 832-266-7725
Grace Dyrness – 626-675-8245
Pauline Chomba – 713-298-7795
Agness Lugalia – 713-516-2781
Nathan Nyamu – 713-933-9020
Steve Mbola – 832-867-1009
Lilian Mweti – 832-594-8912
2 Timothy 4: 7
– I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.