MORE than 60kg of donkey meat has been seized in Nakuru and one person arrested. The donkey meat was intercepted in Nakuru town yesterday and the pushcart operator carrying the meat arrested.
According to Nakuru Municipal Council askaris, the meat transported from Dunduri stage to Marigat bus terminus was stacked in polythene bags and packed in a sack. “The meat is believed to have originated from Dunduri. It leaves one wondering whether they have consumed donkey meat unknowingly in the past,” said Joseph Maina, a Nakuru resident.
Nakuru deputy health officer Mary Gikunju said the council officers intercepted the meat and arrested the suspect who will help in investigations.
David Amoja, who was transporting the meat, said the owner of the luggage agreed to pay him Sh30 but disappeared when he realised council askaris were tracking them.
Nakuru District Veterinary officer Dr Githui Kaba said samples of the meat would be taken to the laboratory to establish the species of the animal. “Although we can physically tell this is donkey meat, we cannot entirely determine which animal species it is until a DNA is carried out,” said Kaba. He however said consumption of donkey meat is legal provided those selling are licensed.
Kaba added that the meat intercepted is illegal as it has not been inspected and is transported in unhygienic condition. He said selling of the meat is gazetted and those interested need to obtain practicing license.
Incidences of donkey meat hawking have been reported in Naivasha where two carcasses were found with the latest cases reported in Uasin Gishu and Muranga counties.
Game meat has also been intercepted in Naivasha where unscrupulous people have been reported to kill zebras and other animals. Gikunju asked residents to buy meat in licenced butcheries.