Mr Mutua Kilonzo (right) narrates how he cheated death after taking illicit brew at Nairobi's Kibera slums, 25 July, 2010. At least 10 people died after taking the brew while scores of others became blind. PETERSON GITHAIGA|NATION
At least 11 people were confirmed dead and an unknown number left blind after consuming an illegal drink in Nairobi’s Kibera slum over the weekend.
Most of the victims were discovered dead in their houses on Sunday and during the day on Monday while four were confirmed to have died while undergoing treatment at Kenyatta National and Mbagathi District hospitals.
Dr Adung’o Ikol of KNH told reporters six people had been treated at the hospital and four of these had died while undergoing treatment there.
Four more victims were found in the slum Monday morning, one in the spot he called home under polythene sheets on a path in the slum.
An additional three who resided in bushes on a piece of land opposite the Department of Defence headquarters at Milimani also died; two on Sunday while the third was found dead Monday morning.
They were suspected to have bought the liquor at Kibera slums.
Dr Ikol said the victims died of methanol poisoning.
The doctor said methanol poisoning occurs when methanol is broken down into formic acid in the stomach, which then leads to blindness and eventually to death.
Victims are treated by being given ethanol, which prevents the conversion of methanol into the acid by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase produced by the liver and the brain.
“As little as 10 millilitres of methanol is harmful. The dead must have taken 100 millilitres or more,” said Dr Ikol.
The survivors said they had taken a drink referred to as ‘koroga’, which they said contains ingredients used to make a popular drink known as ‘Naps’ and marketed as a brandy.
Methanol is used as fuel or as a solvent in industries.
Source: Daily Nation